Saturday, November 13, 2010


Since we are fairly new to this blogging world we have decided to do a simple list of 5 things we are hating this week. Yes , we may be brutal but its our calling in life.  We speak our minds and we hope you do too! ENJOY ! Feel free to tell us your hates !

HATES: # 1 You thought the Sketcher Shape Up Sneakers were bad. Well  Take a look at these furry bad boys. Yes, now you can stay in shape all year round will being stylish. So when your simply walking through the snow to get to the mall/ Chick Fil A or even Demoss your telling everyone " Step away this stylish chic is gonna tone her ass" 
#2 So in case you have been living under a rock , this past week the Carnival Cruise ship Splendor got stuck in the middle of the ocean due to a electrical fire that cause the ship to stop running. Due to this they had no more food or amenities on this ship. They were air lifted SPAM . REALLYY CARNIVAL?? out of all the canned foods you ship SPAM ? .... 
#3 To park in the front lot of Demoss it costs us each an extra $30 doll hairs a semester. Although this is not much money it gets very frustrating when we have to drive around aimlessly while others (like those in the picture below)  with no decals at all are parked in our spots for free.
#4 Alright guys, so I know we all love rap/hip0hop. Lil' Wayne, Drake, Eminem, T.I...they all have street cred, for sure...but attempting to make LU cool buy releasing not only a School rap anthem, but also coming out with a full on music video?? I don't know about you guys, but our hands are definitely NOT going "upppp and downnnnn" and I refuse to "grab a towel and spin it arounddddd" but hey, to each his own. Nice try Humble Tip, but we won't be buying the album.

                                                                (Notice this poster says "Nobody this KRUNK"...)
Urban Dictionary's definition of "Krunk" Originally derived from the two words: "crazy drunk"
....Enough said 

#5 You may or may not know this but both Julianna and I do not eat meat THUS the new Mcdonalds McRib commercial is disturbing. We don't even understand how a meat lover could think this commercial is appealing. Two pieces of hoagie bread with two fat , unidentified, so called "mcrib" meat is shoveled into the actors mouth so that the viewer can see rib sauce drip down there lips and chin. UCK. Well just in case you haven't been lucky enough to see this vomit worthy commercial , here is the full length version for your viewing pleasure. 

MMM we were thirsty and the haterade was DELICIOUS. Hope this quenched your thirst like it did ours. 

Its been real, Its been fun . . . 
Jules & Ash <3


  1. I am dying laughing right now. I love you both. "We don't even understand how a meat lover could think this commercial is appealing. Two pieces of hoagie bread with two fat , unidentified, so called "mcrib" meat"

  2. Hahaha- this was funny!! I love the little picture of the annoying driver ;P ;P He's so cute- that how he parks in all the spots without decals.

    Claudia from Molto ❤ Fashion

  3. those sure are really hideous!!!
